
危机 & 应急管理计划

The Office of 应急管理 (OEM) is responsible for developing and maintaining tiered planning programs designed to encourage readiness at the lowest operational level. Formal planning initiatives include University-level plans (危机 and 应急管理计划, 大学连续性计划, 大学减灾计划) and department-level plans (紧急 Action Plans, Continuity Plans) along with ongoing outreach to support individual preparedness through planning.

If you have questions about any of the University 应急计划, or would like assistance in developing a plan for your department, please contact OEM at (757) 683-5116 or oem@wodiety.com.


The ODU 危机 and 应急管理计划 (CEMP) provides guidance for the University community and external partners to work together to manage incident, 紧急, and event situations that may impact the health, 安全, 安全, and/or mission continuity of the institution. 在社区参与下发展, the CEMP serves as a regional plan that encompasses ODU operations throughout the region.

The CEMP provides guidance related to the following:

  • Incident and event management organization
  • 角色和职责
  • 命令链/权力线
  • 紧急 Notification System Protocols
  • 紧急 Operations Center management
  • 连续性操作
  • 计划管理和维护
  • 训练和练习
  • Special considerations (accessibility and inclusion for entire ODU community)
  • Hazard-specific preparedness/response/recovery

The CEMP serves as the overarching umbrella for all University and departmental planning documents. 楼宇应急行动计划s and 部门连续性计划s, as well as the 大学连续性计划 and Hazard Mitigation Plan, 都支持CEMP. 这个计划 addresses requirements set forth in 弗吉尼亚法典 23节.第1-804号修正案.

Most of the ODU community should be aware of the 危机 and 应急管理计划, 包括学生, 父母, 教师, 和工作人员. 当地和区域(e).g., Norfolk, Hampton, Newport 最靠谱的网赌软件, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach) and state partners (e.g., Virginia Department of 应急管理) should also be aware of the CEMP.

The CEMP's Basic Plan is intended to be readily available to the entire ODU community through electronic access. Personnel assigned roles and responsibilities in the plan receive a full copy.

The ODU University Continuity plan provides the framework for the institution to continue operations during or rapidly restore its mission and associated business functions in the event of a disruptive incident, 紧急, 或事件. 不是应急预案, the 大学连续性计划 employs business continuity best practices to encourage a seamless delivery of mission critical services and functions to the greater University community. The 大学连续性计划 offers guidance on the following:

  • 继承顺序
  • 授权
  • 领导及职员
  • 主要业务功能(e.g., 入学s, Finance, Information 技术服务, Public 安全, etc.)
  • 进行操作的设施
  • Essential Records, Systems, Applications, and Equipment

This is a secure document not available online. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 oem@wodiety.com

The 大学减灾计划 assesses the natural, 人类造成的, 技术危害, 风险, 以及ODU固有的漏洞. 这个计划, developed by a committee of campus stakeholders, identifies and prioritizes strategies for protecting people and property from potential harm or loss.

This is a secure document not available online. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 oem@wodiety.com

建筑 & 部门计划

大学政策1021, each occupied campus building is required to complete and maintain a written 紧急 Action Plan (EAP). The EAP development and maintenance process encourages readiness at the lowest operational management level to respond to disruptive incidents and events affecting a building and its occupants. Click the links below to download the current 建筑 EAP template and a handy guide to assist with the plan development process. For more information and to schedule a meeting before starting your building's plan, 联系杰瑞·里德, 应急计划人员 j1reed@wodiety.com.

大学政策1021, all departments are required to complete and maintain a written Continuity Plan for their unit. The Continuity Plan provides departments with the implementation guidance and structure necessary to maintain business operations during (or rapidly resume following) a disruptive incident 或事件. Click the links below to download the current 部门连续性计划 template and a handy guide to assist with the plan development process. For more information and to schedule a meeting before starting your department's plan, 联系杰瑞·里德, 应急计划人员 j1reed@wodiety.com.